Antifa vs Qanon: Fight!

erik aronesty
3 min readJul 30, 2021


The streets are lines with burning cars and the screams of righteous anger. A motley mob of thirty protesters is walking down the city street shouting “death to facism".

Three lone dissenters face them down, weighing their options.

“We could just lie and say we agree with them, maybe smash a window to prove it.", says Alice.

“Let’s just split up and hide, mabye and they’ll run out of steam", Charlie pitches in.

Quickly exchanging phone numbers the three split up to hide in nearby boarded up & empty commercial buildings. Alice and Bob find steel pipes and pry their way in past loose boards. Charlie talks his way past a uniformed security guard, saying he’s just trying to hide from the mob.

Undeterred, the angry mob sees Charlie sympathizing with the enemy. “Thats some fascist shit right there,” a 15 year old blonde girl shouts seeing him chatting up the guard.

Someone throws a rock. Charlie and the guard flee deeper into the office building.

One kid throws a concrete block through a glass window of the building. The mob roars and people start creeping in to the office building, smashing doors, looking for the fleeing guard.

Meanwhile Alice and Bob have hatched a plan.

Twitter and 4chan explode with unflattering images of the violence and looting. Alice and Bob have been furiously posting the entire time. Logged in as about 24 different accounts on several platforms, their anti-Antifa memes are deliberately geo-tagged with another building.

The crowd, eventually noticing the ensuing social media flame war responds with their own posted images of selfies with malatov cocktails.

“We’re coming for you QAnon, we know where you are", one viral post reads.

One by one, the word spreads of the building where Alice and Bob are hiding.

“QAnon is the real enemy, they started all of this!”

The mob, mostly, reforms, word of a new enemy chasing all thought of looting from their minds.

The building, a 4 story commercial centrer had a Best Buy on the ground floor and a Home Depot on the second floor.

A massive sign saying: “QAnon rules your world," hastily painted on plywood sits out front.

Inflamed by the viral posts, concrete blocks fly and the crowd begins to tear apart the building, searching for the racists who posted unflattering views of their justified protests.

Alice and Bob meet up with Charlie for a few minutes.

“That should hold them all night,” Alice smirks as the police begin to surround the building.

“They’re just going to post images of the police arrests as proof that they’re right ,” Bob points out.

Charlie says, “Why did you put QAnon on there?”

Alice replies, “I was worried they wouldn’t break in. Plus that way they’ll forget about us and focus on some group that isn’t real. I mean, pizzagate is real, but QAnon is just people who know what’s really up.’

“They gotta stop normalizing pedophiles”, Charlie agrees.

Tossing their burner phones, the three head back to their respective parents’ basement apartments.



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